Dance 101- Don’t get tied up

Have you ever had a costume get caught onto something while performing? What about in practice? It may seem BORING to have rules, but rules are put in place for the safety of everyone. Believe it or not, you can get TIED UP when dancing. You may laugh about it later, but sometimes it can truly lead to a big pain. If you are new to dance or simply need to refresh your memory, don’t worry, check out our top 4 picks that will get you tied up in dance.


I can’t deny that wearing jewelry is cute! But, how cute is cute when it hurts? Wearing jewelry while dancing is a big NO-NO! It can get caught in your hair or dance attire and create a hazardous situation. Therefore, when you dance, it’s best to remove all jewelry to a serious situation. 

Now, you may ask, “What about my stud earrings?” Girrrrllll, those are ok! But I won’t lie to you, they will sometimes get caught in your hair too.


Wearing long, knee-length hair is trendy. It’s cute, but everything that trends isn’t for the dance scene. You can get caught up and tied up while tripping when you’re not suppose to be tripping (…and that’s a fact!). However, there are ways to keep your length and dance too. Simply pull your hair back and secure it in a cute bun. You may want to add extra pins and stretchy bows to keep in tact. Secure it tightly! 


Do you like chewing gum? We all do! However, chewing gum while dancing can lead to a dangerous situation. Gum can easily slip down your throat in a matter of seconds and get stuck. And when gum gets stuck in your throat, it becomes life threatening. To avoid this situation, remove your gum before you start dancing. Save a piece for after class to treat yourself (and me too lol😉)!


No matter where you go in life, there is an appropriate attire to wear. Whether it is work, school or simply an event to attend, there is always an appropriate attire that creates UNITY. With dance, make sure you are in the appropriate dance attire assigned to you. It may seem simple, but it is in place for a reason. 

In addition to having on the right attire, correct under garments are important too. Sports bras are designed for active young ladies in various styles to be hidden under garments. If you wear a regular bra or none at all, you are putting your twin girls (chest) at risk of exposure… AND WE DO NOT want that. Therefore, choose an appropriate bra that fits your chest securely and is designed for active activities. 

While dance is fun, there are ways you can get tied up too! I hope that these few tips helped you in some way. Remember, DON’T GET TIED UP!

Dance on Kee Studios