First Dance Class: A Comprehensive Guide for First-Time Parents

As a parent, you want to provide your child with the best opportunities to explore their interests and develop new skills. One activity that many children are drawn to is dance💃🏾. Not only does it promote physical fitness, but it also encourages creativity and self-expression. So let's dive in and discover the exciting world of dance together!


When it comes to choosing the right dance style for your child, there are several factors to consider. It's important to find a style that matches their personality and preferences. Below are three styles you can start off with

  1. 🩰Ballet is a graceful and beautiful dance that requires precision and strength. It can be a great foundation for other dance styles and often includes performance opportunities. However, ballet tends to be more structured than other types of dance and requires dedication.

    2. 🎷Jazz is a high-energy style with big movements, making it perfect for kids who love to perform and have big personalities. Jazz dancing is diverse and can cover a range of styles, from slow and modern to Broadway-style routines. While jazz dancing can be improvised, it also requires technical skill that takes time to master.

    3. 🥁Hip-Hop is a fun and inventive dance style to explore for kids who enjoy popular music and improvisation. It involves freestyle movements and is often done to popular music. Starting with basic moves, children can develop their skills and creativity in hip-hop dance.

When choosing a dance style for your child, it's important to consider their interests and natural abilities. It may also be beneficial to start with a more structured dance style like ballet, as it provides a strong foundation for other dance styles.


Taking your child to their first dance class is an exciting and memorable moment for both parents and children. However, it can also be nerve-wracking, especially if it's the first activity your child will participate in without you by their side. At Dance on Kee Studios, we understand these feelings and want to make the transition as smooth as possible for you and your little dancer.

Tips: Prepare for Day One of Class

  • Ensure that your child looks the part. Check out the dress code🩰 early so that you have time to purchase the appropriate attire. When your child feels confident and looks like a dancer, it can boost their self-esteem on their first day.

  • 🚫 Avoid Distractions. Make sure to tie ballet shoe laces tightly and tuck in the elastic to prevent distractions during class. For tap shoes, opt for elastics or buckle straps instead of ribbons. Loose laces and ribbons can not only distract your child but also pose a safety hazard.

  • Separation anxiety and shyness are common on the first day of dance class. To ease these feelings, plan your "goodbye" routine ahead of time. This can involve a special hug🤗, a secret handshake🤝, or a comforting phrase that reassures your child that you'll be back to pick them up. By establishing this routine, you can help your child feel more secure and confident in their new environment.

  • Encourage your child to have fun and make new friends👧🏾👧🏾 in dance class. It's important to be patient and supportive as your child adjusts to the new routine and environment.

  • Communication is key🔑. Don’t hesitate to reach out with any concerns or questions you may have. Remember, dance is a journey, and progress takes time. Celebrate🎉 each milestone and enjoy the experience with your child.

Remember to trust your instincts and listen to your child's interests and preferences when selecting the best dance class for their needs.

Dance is a wonderful way for your child to express themselves, stay active, and develop important skills. So go ahead and take that first step towards a lifetime of joy and fulfillment in the world of dance!

Dance on Kee Studios